Nowadays, with the virtual worlds of Internet, social networks, etc, words that didn’t even exist twenty years ago, like selfie, are massively accepted and used. Our languages are great at allowing us the possibility to extend it, inventing or adapting words. This way, we could create a verb from the word selfie, perhaps something like…
Two weeks ago I fell in love… What? What are you talking about? Weren’t you already engaged in a relationship?? And what about your children??? What an asshole!!!! Hang on, hang on. Before my own lynching gets worse, here’s the nuance: I’ve fallen in love, yes; but not with a person. I’ve falling in love…
There used to be a time in the late eighties in which, for me, being the younger brother hurt. I have a brother who is 3 years older than me, and I used to hang with him and my older cousins. Needless to say that I learned a lot from them but, as a pre-teenager,…
I just finished reading Clean Agile, by the great and powerful Robert C. Martin (familiarly known in the software developer’s community as Uncle Bob). At this moment, Uncle Bob’s brand seems to be almost glued to the word clean. To realize this, you just have to take a look at his last published works’ titles:…
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines courage as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Curiously enough, one of the most experienced programmers in the world, Kent Beck, includes courage as one of the four pillar values of XP in his book Extreme Programming Explained. In fact, he puts it in…
When it comes to generics, I think most of us would have to confess that we usually don’t make a great use of all the potential of this feature (available as of Java 5), apart from using it as a mere doorman to control what goes inside our collections of objects. And that’s just probably…
Hey, man! Listen: I’ve got a great idea to share with you. Why don’t we use circular objects supporting a plain surface in order to carry things with less effort? This way, we would just have to push a little bit and the circular objects would take care of the effort with its rolling movement.…
I was rewatching the other day this eighties movie, Crocodile Dundee. In it, there are two main characters, a man and a woman. The man is from the countryside; the woman, from the city. At one point in the film, check out the conversation they have: SHE: What do you think about the arms race?…
I was planning to write today about Java streams in depth, but something happened this week. One of my work-pals told me about this awesome blog I didn’t know about, in which the main Java 8 features are already explained. Not that I thought that I was going to be the first one to talk…
Java 8 kicked ass. Why? Because it not only introduced new tools to play with, but also a new way of thinking and programming. Functional programming Well, to be exact, this new manner of doing things, functional programming, obviously isn’t new in the programming industry. But in Java language, until Java 8, we were restricted…